Morgan County AL EMA

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COVID-19 Cases Spike in Morgan County

COVID-19 Cases Spike in Morgan County

Over the past two weeks, Morgan County has seen over an 80% increase in positive COVID-19 tests – with confirmed cases growing from 165 to 302.

While many residents are still continuing to take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of infection, it is crucial that we continue to exercise personal responsibility in all social interactions.

Remember as you go about your day-to-day activities to:

•           Continue wearing facial coverings in public settings

•           Maintain a distance of six feet in all social gatherings

•           Sanitize your hands often

•           Cover your coughs and sneezes

•           Avoid congregating for extended periods in large crowds that aren’t socially distanced – exercise extreme caution in groups larger than 10

•           Disinfect frequently used surfaces and items

As released by the Alabama Department of Public Health, the belief COVID-19 spread is not an issue in hot weather is not supported by any evidence. COVID-19 spread has been seen in many different climates and varying temperatures.

It is only through our unified actions that we can slow and stop the spread of COVID-19. By diligently adhering to these guidelines, we can continue protect ourselves and those we love.