Morgan County Emergency Management Agency Staff


Jonathan warner - Director

Mr. Warner is responsible for overseeing all operations associated with the Emergency Management office.

EMAIL Jonathan Warner

Hilary Granbois- Emergency Management Specialist

Ms. Granbois is responsible for developing, reviewing, and maintaining a comprehensive county-wide Emergency Operations Plan. She is also responsible for developing Standard Operating Procedures to support the Emergency Operations Plan; and assists in planning, coordinating, and directing programs/activities associated with preparation for, response to, and recovery from any disaster or emergency affecting the health, safety, and welfare of county citizens. Ms. Granbois holds a BS Degree in Emergency Management with a minor in Homeland Security from Jacksonville State University. Prior to Morgan County EMA, she worked for Alabama Department of Transportation, Huntsville City Schools, and Madison County Commission.  Ms. Granbois graduated from FEMA’s National Emergency Management Basic Academy in November of 2021 and currently holds Advanced Level Certification through the Alabama Association of Emergency Managers.


Jennifer Hempfling - Emergency Management Specialist

Mrs. Hempfling is responsible for for office administration, grant management and coordination of training for the EMA staff and response agencies throughout the county. The mission of the Morgan County Emergency Management Agency is to coordinate community preparedness in response to natural or man-made emergencies or disasters. This coordination includes pre-planning response, emergency response training, exercising and testing response plans, identifying resources and developing procedures to lessen the impact of these emergencies or disasters. Mrs. Hempfling graduated from FEMA’s National Emergency Management Basic Academy in November of 2021.


Alan Gastler- Emergency Management Specialist

Mr. Gastler is responsible for coordinating resource management activities; establish, maintain, and execute county logistics plans, policies, and procedures; responsible for coordinating programs/activities associated with preparation for, response to, and recovery from nuclear power plant emergencies or any other disaster or emergency affecting the health, safety, and welfare of county citizens.